
Showing posts from May, 2024

what's a defining moment?

 I feel like society often misconstrues a defining moment as one that is meant to impact your entire life, and it has to be something grand or huge. I shared in this through my consumption of social media, television and just observing the people around me.  In reality, defining moments can be so minute and almost insignificant that we overlook them if we aren't paying attention. We often highlight the need to celebrate the small wins, but perhaps looking at the small losses to identify what exactly is bringing us down is just as important? A friend (hi glenn) thinks that every decision we make is a defining moment, for better or worse. I agree to an extent, but here's my take. A defining moment doesn't have to impact the next 10 years of your life directly, but it may be a moment that defines your day, your week or your month. Why don't we revere these moments in the same way if we truly want to 'celebrate the small wins'. For me this past week has felt like a