An update...

Well...that was an unplanned hiatus from writing these, hopefully I'll be able to do them somewhat regularly and keep them informative/entertaining. Since my last post, I received my posting (what I'll be doing till I finish my service). I was posted to OPFOR Company, part of the Armour Training Institute (ATI) at Sungei Gedong Camp. Now, Sungei Gedong is known as one of the worst camps to be posted to in Singapore due to the fact that it is located in the middle of nowhere (said to be nearer to Malaysia than the hub of Singapore) and the stench that it has. Because it is so far removed from the city, it is situated next to cemeteries and farms which bring about many a ghost story and a horrible smell that can only be described as 'smelling of shit'. You know the where, now what exactly am I going to be doing here? Well OPFOR (Opposition Force) serves under Armour Infantry, and our job is to act as the enemy for Singapore's Armour and Infantry troops during their p...