An Introduction
Hi everyone, as some of you know I'm in the army! It is depressing to know that whilst almost all my friends are partying and enjoying their new lives in the UK or US, I'm stuck here 'serving my country'. That may be a bit harsh towards national service, but in all honesty I do see the point in it, as Singapore is a country that fought hard for its independence and has been walked all over by the British, Japanese etc. National Service (what I'm doing) is meant to bring security to our country, and although I don't think most of us will ever actually be able to effectively protect our country if there was a war, its purpose still stands. Through various entries on this blog I guess I'll be talking about all sorts of things if I'm honest, most of which will probably pertain to my army life, but also the interactions I make with my fellow NSFs (people serving NS). There are an innumerable amount of differences between the guys around me, be it age (range from 20-22), upbringing, religion etc. Conflict definitely arises and I also find myself realising how oblivious I had been to privileges such as travelling overseas, studying at international schools and having a stable family.
Anyways, I hope to update this blog regularly with my experiences, but I have very odd working habits, so I might disappear for a few weeks and then I'll bombard the blog with posts. If you guys ever have any comments or questions for me about the blog or my NS experience I'd be happy to chat.
Thanks for reading!
Let’s go jareeed